EU GPSR (General Product Safety Regulations
How Does this Affect Made by Hand
On Dec. 13/24, the EU updated its Safety Regulations to usher in a new era of consumer protection. What does this mean for the small business or those who work from home and sell their handmade goods online. Well, that isn’t very clear yet, so I have been looking for information that may help to clarify this. If you live in the EU, are unclear and would like additional clarificaton please do contact your local EU Rep for further information.
EU’s General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR): A New Era of Consumer Protection
Applicable from the 13 December 2024, Regulation (EU) 2023/988 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 May 2023 on general product safety, also called the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), replaces the General Product Safety Directive, and ushers in a new era of consumer protection.
The GPSR applies to consumer products, but those designed exclusively for professional use which subsequently reach the consumer market, should also comply with it.
Key changes introduced by the GPSR
Broader product coverage: The regulation now encompasses a wider range of products, including those sold online, new, used, repaired or reconditioned.
It also introduces a list of exemptions:
Am I reading this correctly? Exemptions from Safety Regulations Include Medicinal Products, Transportation equipment, Low Risk Aircraft? So if a product has been ‘reconditioned’ – it doesn’t have to be safe? Just asking…
To help with this task of monitoring Safety a number of policies have been added. Please read the full GPSR Policy. I am only highlighting a few that affect me directly as a crafter and information that I have found thus far.
A Responsble Economic Operator
UK Government Guidance
The UK Government has also provided additonal guidance to support the EU Initiative. If you are a Crafter in the UK, Please read this.
Folsky GPSR Guidance
A Responsible Economic Operator
So what is that?
Well I did a bit of googling and found that there are many ‘Responsible Economic Operators’ who are willing to offer their services to help you get your handmade products to market. Here are a few that I found so far.
Please note that the Safety Guidelines state that your products have to be ‘safe’ and certified for 10 years – so fees to the Responsible Economic Operators have to be paid for 10 years (if I am reading this correctly).
With a quick Google search here are a few RESPONSIBLE ECONOMIC OPERATORS that are available to help you with this new Safety Requirement:
It will still be necessary for you to keep all records of invoices, safety procedures and follow all required guidelines.
I haven’t checked these thoroughly and can’t advise on which service to choose – this is just a random sampling.
WebInterpret Pricing
International Associates
24 Hour Authorized Representative
EU Compliance Partner
The Assay Office
So – No Worries! There are lots of organizations that can help you sort this Safety compliance issue.
My Personal Conclusions
How do these new SAFETY REGULATIONS affect me? I am a handweaver, wool spinner, natural dyer. I import many of my wool yarns and natural dyes from the EU. I dye them using organic plant materials and mordants, I spin the fleece into yarn, I dye the yarns with natural plant dyes and mordants, I hand knit, nalbind or weave the materials into blankets, socks, mittens, clothing, table linens. I would now have to keep all the ‘safety’ records for 10 years and pay an outside agency to ‘certify’ the products.
I am a pensioner, have had an extremely rare breast cancer (still here after 6 years – No Chemo, No Rad), survived C-Vax side effects, and am now 71 years old. Why would I do this? Therefore I am closing my Paivatar Yarns Web Shop, removing my listings from Etsy, Folksy and other online shops. This is not worth the hassle.
I do love making my crafts and will continue to do so – by teaching and sharing my years of crafting experiences. I will post videos on Twitch, YouTube, Kick, and other online platforms and continue to write articles and share my knowledge.
Thank you for your continued support.
Categories: CRAFT BIZ INFO